Onlinetcg Wiki

Welcome to Onlinetcg Wiki
Moved to w:c:tcg.


June 7, 2013[]

Moving is going well and I will now be deleting any pages that get moved over.

If you go to edit the new wiki PLEASE READ the instructions for naming files. Thank you.

May 18, 2013[]

There is a new TCG wiki here. Please refrain from editing the new one until I have moved most of the content over. You may still edit this one but keep in mind that I am moving things over. Any pages marked as MOVED are pending deletion. This TCG will be deleted once all content as been moved over.

March 16, 2012[]

Been doing a lot of work trying to add as many members and TCGs (especially newer tcgs) as I can in the last month. I also just today added a new section to a few member's pages: Trade Buddies. I thought it would be fun to have a section for people to plug their friends. :)

There is also a few new pages in the TCG Terms section, I'll hopefully be able to get on writing some more of those soon.

Contributions are of course always welcome.

February 23, 2012[]

Ahhh this place isn't completely dead! I've started trying to check in once in a while to add new content. We're still kicking and always looking for contributions. :3


Please if you're uploading member cards, please remember to give them a unique tag, like this example here:


The first part should be the name used for your profile page, and the second of course being the tcg name. If you leave it with just the name of the tcg or the generic mc-Name than it could get overwritten.

Looking to contribute?[]

Everything you need to know about adding to the site you can find on our official help page! If you do intend on adding some content then please look through and read all the guidelines on the site. Thank you!

If you submitted information or images to the site, either by directly editing or by sending stuff via email, you may take this badge! Thank you so much everyone who has contributed so far!


Contributors may take this badge

If you contributed to a page and would like your name up here just shoot a form from the official help page.
